22 and the Seen

Two people, two places in time, working toward the same goal: sharing their magic with the Seen. The magic was always there, but neither one really knew it. Young and zealous, each went about seeking within their paths, only to find magic of different sorts. Love, children, education, travel, performing with other Seens, from Club Nouveau, to reggae, to Tupak. So much success, yet no fulfillment. That last bit of magic was hovering over their heads, sprinkling ideas as they went about their days.

When the two of their paths converged again, they shared this hovering idea. As the ideas were planted, the ideas sprouted into beautiful dandelions in a world of bliss. With empty nest approaching, they ran toward the finish line with Track Star. All along, they thought they were missing out on the magic, and finally realized, that the magic was at the finish line.